Our History


Molexit was developed over a 5-year period from 1991 to 1996 by Bruce Evans after he purchased 17 acres of mole-infested property. Drawing from his childhood experiences when his grandparents planted castor plants ("mole beans") to keep moles away, he decided to develop his own mole repellent. His idea was to find a way to cover a large area with a small-amount of castor oil, and then release it slowly over time to avoid frequent applications.

Production of Molexit began in January of 1996 and Mr. Evans test marked his product and it quickly gained popularity through the Fred Wiche Lawn and Garden Show.  Molexit has since remained a staple in Louisville's local lawn and garden community.

In 1997 Molexit was selected as one of the Top 20 new products from Kentucky and was featured on QVC, selling over 1700 boxes in under 5 minutes and helping Molexit become a household name across the country.

In 2002 the University of Kentucky Department of Forestry agreed to test the efficacy of Molexit.  In the Fall of 2002 testing was completed and the results showed that 80% of the treated lawns had no mole activity for 4-6 weeks after application.

This recognition from the University of Kentucky helped Molexit stay at the top of the market for granular mole repellent, where we remain the original and most effective granular mole repellent on the market.

Molexit is a 3rd generation, family-owned and operated company and we will continue to exclusively serve the local and small businesses and garden centers across the country.